How to Clean 3 Areas of Your Kitchen Without Using Harmful Chemicals

How to Clean 3 Areas of Your Kitchen Without Using Harmful Chemicals

The kitchen is an area of the home that should be cleaned quite regularly. Since you’re doing a lot of gathering and cooking here, it’s important that you don’t have germs and bacteria-harboring here. If you’re not a fan of using harmful chemical cleaning agents in your home, there are a number of safer alternatives that you can use. They will do the job just as well, but you won’t be inhaling anything that could be carcinogenic.

The Sink

A kitchen sink can get pretty grimy. After all, this is where you do your dishes, wash your dirty hands and handle raw ingredients. Depending on the type of material that your skin is made out of, there are some natural methods of cleaning you can use. Stainless steel can be quickly cleaned with a baking soda paste. The abrasive nature of the baking soda will quickly clean off any caked up messes. According to FirstKey Homes, if you’re worried about a clogged drain, pouring half a cup of salt down the drain followed by hot tap water can break down clogs in the sink caused by fat, oil, and grease.

The Stove and Oven

Even a brand new stove and oven can quickly get messy. If you’re someone who likes to cook, there are likely baked-on messes inside your oven and on your stovetop. A stovetop with coils can be taken apart. You can clean each part with soap and water. Reassemble when everything is clean and dry. A flat top stove is also easy to clean. Wet the top of the stove. Sprinkle a little bit of baking soda on it. Use a soapy sponge to move the baking soda around. Leave it on the stovetop for 15 minutes before wiping it clean. It might take a few times rinsing with clean water to remove all the soap and baking soda.


If you have vinyl flooring in your kitchen, this is one of the easiest surfaces to clean. Use a sponge or rag with soapy water to wipe everything down. You can use a dry cloth to absorb any excess moisture. Wood or laminate flooring should be wiped down with a dry cloth regularly. Tile is very durable. According to Rainbow International Restoration, you can clean it with a diluted mixture of vinegar and water.

The kitchen is a common focal point in a home. If you want your kitchen to shine while paying attention to the health of you and your family members, think about alternatives to harsh cleaning products. There are plenty of ways that you can change up your cleaning routine.

If you’re ready to update your kitchen with some new appliances, we have a great selection! Take a look at all the cooking appliances we have to offer!

Going Green in the Kitchen: What You Can Do to Make Your Kitchen More Sustainable

Going Green in the Kitchen: What You Can Do to Make Your Kitchen More Sustainable

More and more people are taking an active approach to decrease their personal impact on the environment. One way to do this is to change the way you do things in the kitchen. While all kitchens will continue to register some impact on the environment, there are a number of steps you can take to minimize these effects and help to conserve the global environment for future generations.

Reduce Your Water Usage

You can conserve water in the kitchen by making a few small changes. One suggestion is not starting the dishwasher until there are enough dishes to make a full load. You may also want to refrain from thawing frozen foods with water. You can leave these foods in your refrigerator overnight and achieve the same results.

New faucets are also something to consider if you want to save water in your cooking space. There are several benefits of installing new faucets that can help make your kitchen more sustainable. Some new faucets will help with water usage by reducing the maximum flow of the faucet. A new faucet will also eliminate any drip that is present with your kitchen sink that might be wasting water.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Green cleaning products are available for you to clean your kitchen without the use of chemicals that can harm you, your family, and the environment. These cleaners are made using substances that are nontoxic and biodegradable. Sustainable manufacturing practices are also used in the making of green cleaning products. Other benefits of using natural cleaning products include better air quality in your kitchen and support for an anti-bacterial environment.

Use the Whole Plant

It is possible that you are one of the countless people who cut the greens from their beets or chops off the top of a celery stalk before eating it. There is no reason to throw these plant parts into the trash. If you do not wish to eat these parts of the plant, they can serve a variety of other purposes.

The number of ways you can productively use vegetable scraps is seemingly endless. Some suggestions include making vegetable stock, creating body scrubs, and using them in compost.

Transitioning to a green kitchen is a solid way to do your part to protect the environment from the burden placed on it by human beings. If you are unsure where to begin this transition, the three suggestions explained in the article are a great place to start.

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How to Get Excited About Cooking in Your Own Kitchen

How to Get Excited About Cooking in Your Own Kitchen

If you love to cook but haven’t lately due to poor kitchen design or other undesirable kitchen issues, this article will get you excited about cooking again. Small changes in your cooking space can spark new motivation from within to feed your body along with providing plenty of nurture to your inner spirit as well.

Update Your Kitchen Aesthetic

One simple trick to boost motivation to spend time in your kitchen area is to update your current kitchen aesthetic. Outdated cabinets, countertop surfaces and even color choices can make the space feel ordinary and rather boring. Dark finishes make a small kitchen feel smaller.

If your kitchen tends to be on the tinier size, remember that dark finishes make a small kitchen feel smaller. Consider adding a beautiful backsplash in a more modern design and hue to transform your ordinary kitchen space into an extraordinary place everyone in the family will want to be.

Invest in New Appliances

Nothing will date a kitchen more than old-fashioned kitchen appliances. Upgrading your current undesirable appliances should be thought of as a smart investment. The decision to invest in new appliances can increase your overall home value and make it easier to store, prepare food and cook as an added bonus.

Newer energy-efficient refrigerators, microwaves, stoves, various ovens and even dishwashers can also save a homeowner a lot on the usual energy bills. Many kitchen appliances today can be customized to fit various sizes and decor themes. In addition, newer appliances are apt to work better resulting in less food waste due to inconsistent temperatures in an older model refrigerator unit.

Install Custom Kitchen Cabinets for Better Storage Space

The installation of gorgeous custom kitchen cabinets instantly improves the appearance of the space while providing ingenious new spots for storage space. The right cabinets can make your kitchen cleanup a breeze. Get personalized storage spots to hide away the usual kitchen clutter that can discourage even the best of cooks from embarking on a serious cooking spree.

Create a kitchen that is truly the heart of your home. Consider adding a space saving island that can double as a food prep station and extra seating while adding even more storage space. With a bit of thought and creativity, your dream kitchen can finally come to life just as you’ve always imagined it to be.

Looking to upgrade your kitchen? Click here to browse our discount appliances!

How to Do More With Less in Your Kitchen … AKA: De-clutter, De-clutter, De-clutter

How to Do More With Less in Your Kitchen … AKA: De-clutter, De-clutter, De-clutter

Your kitchen is a sanctuary for cooking and eating with your family. However, too much clutter can make your time in the kitchen stressful. It can also make it challenging to perform your best due to getting overwhelmed by your surroundings. When you want to do more with less in your kitchen, embracing the minimalist philosophy can be very helpful.

Use Style to Your Advantage

Minimalist doesn’t necessarily have to be modern. There are many different styles and approaches to minimalism. Different colors and kitchen cabinet designs can give you specific looks, so feel free to choose the look that you like. Your kitchen’s style will spring from your personal preference. Choose from looks ranging from modern to vintage and work your own kitchen design around the theme. From cabinets to countertops, tables to teapots, every inch of your kitchen can reflect your values and the way you want to live your life leisurely with your family in your home.

Put Away the Clutter

There are many organizational techniques to clean up the clutter in your kitchen. Simple items like silverware organizers or hanging pins for your pots allow you to find what you want with ease. Place items in storage in a way you can reach them without being worried about breaking a dish, and keep fragile items away from where children can reach them. Cabinetry is invaluable for this purpose. You also may want to group similar food items together on their own shelves and take the time to toss expired food or donate unwanted products to a charity.

Keep Your Kitchen Separate From Your Dining Room

Many people choose to decorate their kitchen with plants and artwork that can collect dust and dander that could potentially get in their food. If you’re able to, choose to separate your dining room from your kitchen and make a place for your children’s drawings and your own plants that won’t contaminate your dinner or give you more to clean in the kitchen. A lovely dining room with plants can be organized for ambiance so that your cooking area remains clean. It’s also easier to clean the rooms when your dining area and kitchen are separate from each other.

Even if you’re not used to maintaining a minimalist household, you can benefit from the practices of cleaning and decluttering your home to have more space and things to do. The opportunities are endless to invite guests to a dinner party or make a more spacious home for your own family. Look at what makes you comfortable and enhances your day-to-day routine.

A great kitchen requires great appliances. Check out our shop to find the ones that fit best with your space and style!

How to Design an Outdoor Kitchen That Doubles as Entertaining Space

How to Design an Outdoor Kitchen That Doubles as Entertaining Space

When the weather is nice, you might want to head outdoors for some fabulous food and fun. Designing an outdoor kitchen with space for other entertainment may seem complicated, but you can get very creative and bring your wildest outdoor kitchen dreams to life. Here are a few tips for you to follow.

Create Cooking Space

When planning your outdoor kitchen, you should do a strategic layout. There are a variety of features to consider when customizing your own cooking space. Your meal prep area can be separate from the eating space and the entertainment space or it can be an open floor plan where guests can be entertained and you’re not locked away from them. Make sure you plan in enough room to freely move about the kitchen. Keep in mind that you need space for a stove or grill, a sink, and possibly other appliances like a refrigerator or an ice maker. Don’t forget to have plenty of counter space.

You’ll want to make sure you choose a great counter material that can stand up to rain and harsh weather. You’ll also want the material color and design to go well with your yard.

Make It Entertainment-Friendly

Make sure, as you’re designing your outdoor kitchen, that you have enough room for a nice sized table and chair set, plus room for people to roam around and mingle. More importantly, make sure this area is set away from the kitchen. You may want to consider using your counter as the area divider. This way people won’t be in your way as you’re cooking or get injured because they’re partying and not paying attention to appliances.

Go Big or Go Home

Don’t spare any luxuries. When people think of an outdoor kitchen, they expect to see something mind-blowing. Get the best dining set, the best appliances, the most fabulous stone counters, and more. Aim to be the envy of the neighborhood. Another unexpected plus to this is that it will raise the value of your home in case you ever want to sell it. This means that your fabulous outdoor kitchen isn’t only for entertainment – you’re making a long-term investment.

If you live in an area with a lot of beautiful weather, you may as well take advantage of luxurious outdoor cooking and partying. The sky’s the limit when it comes to designing your perfect outdoor kitchen and entertainment area. With proper planning and a decent budget, you can build an outdoor kitchen that will make you forget all about your boring indoor kitchen.

Looking for the perfect grill for some serious barbeque? Click here to check out our Pro-style grills!

Kitchen Renovations You Should Have Done Yesterday

Kitchen Renovations You Should Have Done Yesterday

While there is no one set of kitchen upgrade solutions that will appeal to everyone, it is safe to say that a more desirable kitchen is something on the minds of many homeowners. The type of upgrades that interest you will be influenced by the property you maintain and the lifestyle you live. However, most kitchens can benefit from having the following upgrades completed immediately.

Update Your Appliances

One way to positively affect both the appearance and functionality of your kitchen is to update the appliances. One important consideration when selecting new appliances for your kitchen is energy efficiency.

The best way to ensure your new appliances are saving you the most money possible on energy expenditures is to purchase appliances that possess the Energy Star label. These appliances are designed to help protect the environment while saving consumers money on energy costs. Some kitchen appliances that contain the Energy Star label include dishwashers, refrigerators and electric stoves.

Replace Your Flooring

The number of options available when choosing new flooring for your kitchen can cause the process to become a bit confusing. However, your decision can become simpler if you concentrate on the concepts of functionality and durability. According to Floors Direct, traditional hardwood flooring isn’t ideal for kitchens because the amount of moisture kitchens produce can ruin the floors. Waterproof vinyl, ceramic or laminate flooring is great for families with chronically wet kitchen floors.


According to YLighting, many homeowners will be shocked to learn what a new lighting scheme will do for their kitchen. Lighting will change how the shapes, colors and contours of your kitchen appear. A surefire way to add a bit of style and personality to your kitchen is to replace traditional ceiling fixtures with ones that have a little more flair. Hanging lights with unique geometric shapes can be installed in your kitchen with nothing more than a screwdriver. Another idea is to place LED light bars beneath the cabinets in your kitchen. These light bars come in a variety of lengths and are installed directly beneath the cabinetry. They are perfect for illuminating prep areas and countertops.

Every homeowner possesses his or her own ideas when it comes to the perfect kitchen for his or her home. The scope and variety of potential kitchen upgrades allow each homeowner to indulge his or her unique vision for the kitchen. However, homeowners who complete the three kitchen upgrades profiled above will only regret they didn’t complete them long before they decided to do so.

If you’re revamping your kitchen, check out these great appliances you could add to it!