National Iced Tea Day is a special occasion, especially for those of us in Florida, where the sun shines bright, and the heat invites us to cool off with a refreshing beverage. From Orlando’s bustling theme parks to Tampa’s vibrant waterfronts and the serene beaches of the Space Coast and Fun Coast, iced tea is the perfect drink to enjoy under the Florida sun. This guide will explore the best way to make iced tea, ensuring you can savor every sip in true Floridian style.

Why Iced Tea is Perfect for Florida

Florida’s climate is ideal for iced tea. The warm weather practically begs for a chilled drink, and iced tea offers a delightful blend of flavors that can be customized to suit any taste. Whether you’re lounging by the pool in Orlando, exploring the cultural scenes in Tampa, or relaxing on the beaches of the Space Coast, iced tea is the perfect companion.

Essential Ingredients for Great Iced Tea

To make the best iced tea, you need high-quality ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Tea Bags or Loose Leaf Tea: Black tea is the classic choice, but green tea, white tea, and herbal teas are also popular.
  2. Water: Use filtered or spring water for the best taste.
  3. Sweetener: Sugar, honey, or agave syrup can be used, depending on your preference.
  4. Fresh Lemon: Adds a refreshing citrus note.
  5. Ice: Essential for that perfect chill.
  6. Mint or Fruit: Optional for added flavor and garnish.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Iced Tea

  1. Brew the Tea

Start by boiling water. The amount of tea you use will depend on how strong you want your iced tea. A general rule of thumb is to use one tea bag (or one teaspoon of loose-leaf tea) per cup of water. For a stronger brew, use more tea.

    • Orlando’s Tip: For a unique twist, try using a blend of black and green tea to capture the vibrant energy of Orlando’s theme parks.
  1. Steep the Tea

Pour the boiling water over the tea bags or loose tea. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes for black tea, and 3-5 minutes for green or white tea. Oversteeping can make the tea bitter, so keep an eye on the time.

    • Tampa’s Touch: Incorporate local flavors by adding a few slices of fresh orange or grapefruit while the tea steeps.
  1. Sweeten the Tea

If you like your iced tea sweetened, add your sweetener while the tea is still hot. This helps it dissolve completely. Start with a tablespoon of sugar or honey per cup and adjust to taste.

    • Space Coast Specialty: Use honey harvested from local Florida wildflowers for a sweet touch that complements the natural surroundings.
  1. Cool the Tea

Once the tea has steeped and you’ve added your sweetener, it’s time to cool it down. You can let it sit at room temperature for a bit before refrigerating, or if you’re in a hurry, pour it over a pitcher full of ice.

    • Fun Coast Flavor: Add a handful of fresh mint leaves to the tea as it cools for an extra refreshing taste reminiscent of the coastal breeze.
  1. Serve and Enjoy

Fill a glass with ice cubes, pour in the cooled tea, and garnish with a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint. For a fruity twist, add fresh berries or citrus slices.

    • Orlando’s Refreshment: Create a colorful and fun presentation by serving your iced tea in mason jars with colorful straws, perfect for a poolside party.

Variations and Enhancements

Experimenting with different flavors can make your iced tea experience even more enjoyable. Here are some ideas:

  • Tropical Delight: Add pineapple and mango slices to your tea for a tropical infusion that’s perfect for Florida’s beaches.
  • Herbal Bliss: Brew herbal teas like hibiscus or chamomile for a caffeine-free option that’s both soothing and refreshing.
  • Sparkling Twist: Mix your iced tea with a splash of sparkling water for a fizzy refreshment.

Enjoying Iced Tea in Florida

Florida offers endless opportunities to enjoy iced tea. Here are some perfect spots:

  • Orlando: Sip your iced tea while visiting the beautiful parks or relaxing by the pool after a day at the theme parks.
  • Tampa: Enjoy your drink along the scenic Riverwalk or while watching a sunset at one of the waterfront restaurants.
  • Space Coast: Take your iced tea to the beach and watch a rocket launch for a uniquely Floridian experience.
  • Fun Coast: Relax with a glass of iced tea at one of the charming coastal cafes or while exploring the historic sites.


Making the perfect iced tea is an art; with these tips, you’re well on your way to mastering it. Celebrate National Iced Tea Day with a refreshing glass of homemade iced tea, and enjoy the best that Florida has to offer. Whether you’re in Orlando, Tampa, the Space Coast, or the Fun Coast, iced tea is the perfect way to cool down and savor the flavors of the Sunshine State. Cheers!